Tuition & Fees

Tuition & Fee Structure

Parents have the option of paying the entire tuition due in a single payment at the beginning of the school year or in monthly installments. A multiple children discount is offered on the annual tuition rate only, not on other fees.

IMPORTANT: For an admission process to be complete, the first month tuition and all fees must be submitted after the initial interview with the admissions department. All tuition and fees are non-refundable.

Annual Tuition Rates Per Student

SR.NO Course Annual 12 Monthly Equal Installments
1. Full-Time Hifz & Hifz Retention $5400 $450
2. Part-Time Hifz & Hifz Retention $2400 $200
3. Afterschool & Weekend Naazirah $1200 $100
4. Tajweed Simplified $1500 $125
5. Ijaazah Simplified $1500 $125
Full Payment: Must be paid after the completion of admission if paying in full. The tuition will be prorated if the admission takes place anytime
besides the beginning of the year. Installments: Must be paid by the 5th of each month for the current month. This first tuition payment must be made to guarantee your child's seat for the upcoming school year. The office must be notified in writing if your child will be absent on the first day of school. If you fail to do so, your child's name will be removed from the roster and his/her seat will be given to a wait-listed student.

Multiple Children Discount

  Number of Children   Discount on Annual Tuition
Full-Time Hifz & Hifz Retention Part-Time Hifz & Hifz Retention Homeschool Option Part-Time Hifz & Hifz Retention After-School/Weekday Or Weekend Option After-school/ Weekday & Weekend Naazirah
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 $1200 $600 $360 0
4 $1200 $600 $360 $300
5 $1200 $600 $360 $300

3 Months Summer Tuition Rates Per Student

SR.NO Course Summer (June 1st-August 15th) 3 Equal Installments
1. Full-Time Hifz & Qur’an Retention $1050 $350
2. Part-Time Hifz & Hifz Retention $510 $170
3. After-school/Weekday & Weekend Naazirah $255 $85
4. Tajweed Simplified $375 $125
5. Seerah for Kids $150 Per Family
6. Islamic Ethics for Kids $150 Per Family
7. Qur’an Translation for Kids $150
8. Fiqh for Kids $150 Per Family
9. Fiqh of Menstruation $150

Fees Per Student

1. One-Time Classroom Supply Fee Per Year $100
2. Re-enrollment Fee for Former Students $150